Unlocking the Entrepreneurial Potential of ATSC 3.0, the Next Generation of Broadcasting and Data Distribution

Sang Jin Yoon, SVP of Business Development, DigiCAPSang Jin Yoon, SVP of Business Development
ATSC 3.0 is the new transmission standard U.S. broadcasters are now rolling out across the United States. Today, with over half the country covered, the conversion continues and DigiCAP helping to lead the way. DigiCAP technology had a head start in 2017 by working with Korean broadcasters as it became the first country to adopt the ATSC 3.0 standard, by creating over the air ATSC 3.0 TV broadcasts in 4K for the 2018 Winter Olympics held in PyeongChang, Korea.

For consumers, this new standard, ATSC 3.0, adds improved sound quality, higher picture resolution, and accessibility on mobile devices. It also enables broadcasters to create content that can integrate online and broadcast content to create new services and more compelling programming to serve viewers.

DigiCAP provides two essential tools that are enabling the transition. DigiCAP’s DigiCaster is an ATSC 3.0 gateway product that converts signals generated at TV stations into an Internet protocol (IP) stream that can be transmitted over the air. DigiCAP’s HomeCaster converts ATSC 3.0 over the air signals into Wi-Fi or Ethernet making them accessible to any consumer device.

Apart from these products for TV, DigiCAP provides advanced software design and development services to enable use of ATSC 3.0 for system development including an encryption/security package, a gateway to AWS Marketplace, and system an automated monitoring system.

DigiCAP also provides gateway products that enable advanced ATSC 3.0 services for data distribution including applications in digital signage, distance learning, targeted advertising, and automotive.

According to Sang Jin Yoon, Senior Vice President of business development at DigiCAP, “Because many of these applications are new, we often become involved with helping clients create and test applications and systems. There is an amazing amount of entrepreneurial energy behind ATSC 3.0 development right now. We work closely with customers to design and prove new service concepts.”

DigiCAP provides a positive experience for its clients through quick turnaround time and fast responses, and it responds promptly to customers requesting changes or additions of new services. To help US clients through the challenging commercial deployment of its products, DigiCAP works with them to provide a calming experience. In case of setbacks, it has an engineering team on standby 24/7. A customer services team is on standby at its headquarters, in addition to a monitoring station.

  • Because many of these applications are new, we often become involved with helping clients create and test applications and systems. There is an amazing amount of entrepreneurial energy behind ATSC 3.0 development right now. We work closely with customers to design and prove new service concepts

DigiCAP helps its broadcast customers ease into the change and conception of ATSC 3.0. Its commitment to client satisfaction and perseverance in continually improving its services is DigiCAP’s cornerstone. It is at the forefront of guiding the transformation in the broadcasting industry through its products and services and is expanding beyond South Korea. DigiCAP will continue to improve its services, develop new products, and test the capabilities of new technologies for years to come.

Concluded Yoon, “We look to build relationships and technologies for the long term and are honoured that our team was chosen for this award.”