Media & Entertainment19 July - Sept, 2021 Donna Ketler, VP Platform Capabilities, WileyByTHREE TRENDS SHAPING THE CONTENT PUBLISHING INDUSTRY ­ AND HOW TO ADDRESS THEMhe digital landscape is developing at an incredible rate and COVID-19 has only accelerated this trend.User expectations for education and entertainment content continue to evolve and collide, and we don't expect the rate of change to slow any time soon.Meanwhile, due to remote working arrangements,cybercriminals have more opportunities than ever to exploit weaknesses in organizations' digital infrastructure. As a result, we're seeing increasing cyber threats to both businesses already operating online, and those who have had to speed up their digital transformation.In this context of disruption, content publishers must look for opportunities to embrace market disruption and to combat threats to customers. This is especially true for us at Wiley, as we enable researchers, professionals, students, universities and corporations to achieve their goals in these ever-changing times. It is our mission to unlock human potential; when our customers succeed, so does the global knowledge ecosystem. How can content publishers stay ahead of the curve? Below are three key trends that I see shaping the industry and some strategies that we use at Wiley to address them.1) Information overload - Keeping users engagedInformation disruption is significant­and keeping users engaged has never been more challenging. I believe there are a few universal principles to reduce information overload.Less text on screen. Wiley adopts this principle in our WileyPLUS platform. Instead of encountering the entire textbook on the screen at once, students interact with content in the form of learning paths that intuitively organize materials into modules, including manageable sections of text, videos, animations and practice questions. Moreover, our adaptive practice solution, powered by Knewton technology, serves up relevant content for just-in-time instruction. The practice and assignments are adaptive, pinpointing learners' knowledge gaps and driving students to what they need to focus on for better outcomes. Enriched content. In addition to reducing the amount of text, rich media components­like audio and visual materials­help keep audiences engaged.AtWiley, we publish more than 1,700 academic journals­and while articles have plenty of images, abstracts typically don't, making selecting articles for CX O INSIGHTSTDonna Ketler
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