5 Digital Technologies Transforming The Film Industry

Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Large-scale data computing in film production is similar to enterprise data needs. This necessitates the use of the cloud to cut costs and create films with specific budgets.

FREMONT, CA: Digital technology has advanced to a very advanced level. Compare today's powerful digital cameras to analog cameras from the past. Our smartphone cameras have also evolved. Phones can now record 360-degree views, which is a far cry from the point-and-shoot mechanics of cameras. In addition, individuals who aren't actually in the film can be inserted using 3D rendering.

It's incredible how much digital technology, in particular, has transformed the film industry. Here are five technologies that are at the forefront of this transformation:

Drone Cameras with Autonomous Control

A filmmaking-focused autonomous drone is a different animal entirely. It possesses the necessary filmmaking skills, camera angles, and procedures. In a nutshell, everything one needs to make a great movie. It can also avoid obstacles while in flight and capture moving items. MIT researchers are already working on completely autonomous drones. In only a few months, we shall see a new type of cinematography.

3D Printing

3D Printing Filmmaking is an excellent candidate for using 3D printers to cut costs. props, costumes, and equipment can all be 3D printed. Of course, 3D printers will not be able to produce a camera or lens, but they will be able to print the pieces required. one can, at the very least, print clapboards.

3D Cameras in 4K

Virtual reality is the name of the future's entertainment game. As a result, it should come as no surprise that virtual reality recording technology exists. 4K 3D cameras are now being considered for filming VR movies. Google and LucidCam both have 4K 3D VR live production cameras on the market.

Video Editing Algorithms

The entire film editing process is being transformed by algorithmic video editing. There are undoubtedly numerous examples of algorithmic video editing in contemporary filmmaking. Some of them will completely blow your mind. For example, there is a thrilling high-speed car chase in We Own The Night. It will astound to know that all rain effects were added after the fact.

Cloud Computing Technologies

The film industry has a reputation for being slow to adopt cloud-based technologies. However, the concept is gaining traction. However, in recent films such as The Walk, epic scenes were created due to cloud technology.