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FREMONT, CA | Thursday, July 22, 2021
Content delivery networks enhance customer satisfaction by optimizing a website and mobile app performance.
A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of servers that enables faster web performance by identifying copies of web content closer to users or enabling dynamic content delivery (for example, live video feeds).
Every CDN server is situated at the "network edge," meaning it is closer to users than the host server, from which the website emerges. CDN servers are also referred to as "edge servers" because of this. Each server saves or caches a component of the web content from the host server, such as HTML files, images, audio, video, and applications.
The content delivery network lets the website publisher offer faster output, minimize loading time for its customers, and manage its bandwidth usage and expenses by decreasing the gap between this content and users.
Companies usually purchase CDN services from CDN providers, who run their server networks.
Benefits of a content delivery network
Better connectivity and scalability for web publishers:
A content delivery network allows consumers to access content more quickly. It leads to more page views, traffic spikes, increased customer engagement, and lower site abandonment for web publishers.
Better response to traffic spikes:
Events like a successful marketing campaign, a limited-time deal, or a viral video can trigger an unexpected (or expected) increase in content demand. To avoid overloading any single server, content delivery networks utilize load balancing to spread demand across servers. Load balancing also protects website performance from spikes or surges in demand.
Enhanced security:
Content delivery networks use analytics and automation tools to detect distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, firewall problems, and other threats.
Improved content delivery:
CDNs not only speed up the delivery of content but also increase the quality of that content. Slow transmission can interrupt video replay, video calls, and live video streaming, resulting in jitter. Video and audio content delivery is often hampered by buffering, poor picture and sound quality, and incomplete transmissions. Content delivery networks help reduce the gap between the content and the user, and the load balancing of traffic helps avoid overloading routers or servers.
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