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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Wednesday, November 16, 2022
The benefits of esports are similar to those of traditional athletics, such as sportsmanship, leadership, communication, and teamwork, without the travel inconveniences or risks of injury.
FREMONT, CA: Esports, which should not be confused with video games, involve organized, competitive gameplay between two teams and are overseen by their own tight rules and regulations. Teams play various games, ranging from Minecraft and Super Smash Brothers to Rocket League, Valorant, and chess. Students can choose a team based on their interests. The various benefits of esports encompass the following:
Constructing Community
Esports is perfect for kids who are not particularly interested in traditional athletics but wish to participate in a team and acquire new abilities. In addition, they provide a unique opportunity to create relationships across varied communities; esoprts' openness to all promotes inclusivity. Playing together in a common area, whether a shared virtual environment or a physical space such as an esports arena, is the purpose of esports. It fosters community, friendship, school spirit, and belonging. Official esports teams, such as the one at USM, are supervised by a coach or advisor.
Developing Social-Emotional Learning Capabilities
Regardless of gaming ability, esports players acquire social and emotional learning skills by forming teams, developing mentorships, collaborating, and competing with kids who might not otherwise interact. Spending time together to play, teach, discover, and enjoy one another's company strengthens relationships, expands social opportunities, and boosts school spirit. As with any team, players must collaborate to overcome difficulties and defeat, which helps them build grit and determination. They must also be adaptable to change, eager to explore new strategies, and promote teamwork.
Linking Students to STEM Instruction
Esports provides a gateway to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) sectors, not just because the games are played on computers. Teams must examine data and statistics, review tactics, and become adept with computer hardware and software to advance.
Facilitation for Busy Families
The ultimate objective of USM's esports program is to provide a venue on campus where students can game together and form a formidable squad, just like they would on any other playing field. Kids must travel to school when the team participates in competitions, matches, or practices. USM's team members have been playing from home.
Accepting Children Where They Are
From laptops to gaming consoles to their ever-present mobile phones, many children have extensive online lives that include games. Esports inspire children to seek and develop community in their current environment. Students rejoice at the opportunity to play with classmates, kids they don't usually hang out with, and even alumni because esports games are already appealing to children.
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