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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Wednesday, July 07, 2021
Companies know the fact that to provide a good customer experience, they must deliver the content end-users demands quickly and reliably with better quality, wherever they're located.
FREMONT, CA: The expansion of online content distribution shows no signs of slowing down. In the next five years, internet traffic is expected to nearly triple, with mobile traffic increasing at twice the rate of fixed internet. At the same time, quality demands are higher than ever, with a recent survey showing that over 60 percent of people would quit a video that rebuffers twice, with identical abandon rates for other types of content.
Businesses understand that their ability to produce high-quality online videos, websites, and downloads is critical to their success. But doing this is easier said than done, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to delivering high-quality digital experiences. There are numerous common challenges that companies face while trying to improve their online content. Here are some of the common challenges and the ways companies can avoid them.
Companies, like their audiences and stakeholders, evolve over time. Even though several companies struggle to manage their digital assets as they expand, the stakes for delivering high-quality experiences are high.
Companies must look beyond the public internet for hosting their assets to maintain growth and momentum. Businesses would see significant improvements in growth and size if they use a private network with global capacity instead. Instead of overloading a single origin source, a content delivery network (CDN) recreates common content in various locations near the network's edges. Data centers with high-performance servers that can store content are known as Points of Presence (PoPs).
Companies need to provide end-users with a high-quality experience. Depending on the application, the term "quality of experience" has different meanings. "High quality" in streaming video usually refers to a quick start of video playback, consistent high image quality and frame rate, and no rebuffering. Rapid page loads, responsive interactions, and smooth playback of embedded videos and animations all contribute to a satisfactory web experience.
Businesses must layer their network infrastructure to allow quick delivery of static and interactive content for high-quality video and web experiences. Web pages react and load faster with a robust CDN on-site, videos start playing sooner and maintain better quality, and file downloads are far more secure.
Geographically, the greater the market size, the bigger the obstacles. The quality of the experience decreases with the distance of the content. If any audience is halfway around the world from the content, they may have a terrible experience.
To overcome these geographical barriers, multinational companies can collaborate with global middle-mile networks that have invested in global infrastructure. During peak demand, high-performance PoPs in the targeted area are vital for maintaining high-quality content egress. Some private networks use dedicated fiber to offer high-speed connectivity between PoPs, avoid public internet congestion, and guarantee high-quality, low-latency delivery across longer distances.
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