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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Including video in the publishing portfolio helps assure the longevity and success of a business for years to come.
Fremont, CA: According to industry predictions, the average consumer will view approximately 100 minutes of online video per day. With so many people watching digital videos, advertisers compete more than ever for video space. Therefore, video advertisements provide publishers with a tremendous chance for profit. Publishers seeking to enhance their income are flocking to the video advertising bandwagon. Even those who already use video want to maximize their return on investment, as they enhance their video tactics to reap the advantages of video advertisements.
Video ads create more revenue
For the vast majority of publishers, this is the bottom line. Money can be tight in the world of digital publishing, but video ads can be an income stream or a raging cash river, depending on your audience, market position, and video publication and inventory strategy. Most publishers are familiar with the relatively low average cost per mille (CPM) for regular IAB banner advertisements. However, video advertisements can result in an exponential spike in CPMs, with average CPMs for outstream video players being up to five times those of traditional banner or display advertisements.
Video ads are more engaging
For viewers, video is easy. It is simple to watch, simple to let the next one autoplay, and simple to waste a great deal of time online by viewing video after video. The longer people watch the videos you create and monetize with advertisements, the more impressions you receive. However, there is more to video engagement than just views. Including video can increase conversion rates. The average conversion rate for sites with video is over 5 percent, a significant increase from the average conversion rate of nearly 3 percent for publishers who do not utilize video.
Video boosts SEO ranking
Google is as fond of movies as your users will be. At its most fundamental level, a video player is a visual element on the page, and Google favors visual components. However, movies and video advertisements can raise other recognized search engine ranking signals. Engagement, time on site, and bounce rate are just a few of the SEO metrics that video can boost for publishers' websites. And Google will soon begin to recognize these enhancements, providing you a competitive advantage in the search engine results pages.
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