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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Wednesday, May 05, 2021
Cosynd and Sound Royalties are delighted to offer an affordable, easy copyright protection service to the community and look forward to working together to help users thrive in their careers financially.
FREMONT, CA: Sound Royalties and Cosynd collaborates in their shared vision for a more safe music community. The collaboration will allow each company to further their mission of assisting artists in guarding their copyrights and offering their growing communities of songwriters, performing artists, producers, and others with royalty financing services.
This new partnership will enable Cosynd users to have direct access to Sound Royalties’ funding services. Cosynd users earning more than $5,000 in annual royalties will have the option to work with a dedicated Royalty Specialist, get a complimentary consultation and free income analysis. It will also deliver Sound Royalties customers with user discounts to Cosynd’s suite of services to assist in registering their copyrights, establish ownership, and generate agreements to help guard their work.
Sound Royalties specializes in music financing services that allow music creators to access their royalty payments in advance. Their funding process does not need personal guarantees or collateral, and their business promises to never take ownership of a customer’s copyrights. Sound Royalties works with accomplished creatives of all levels. Cosynd is the fastest and most affordable means for creators to secure themselves and their work. Its suite of user-friendly copyright tools has assisted thousands of creators and businesses worldwide easily register their copyrights with the U.S. Copyright Office and create legal documents that establish their ownership.
The process of establishing ownership of and securing copyrights can be complex and time-consuming. Cosynd and Sound Royalties both work towards the same mission: supporting musicians to keep their copyrights. The companies are looking forward to offering users direct access to the royalty funding services while simplifying the copyright process to own the Sound Royalties community. During unmatched hardship and changing regulations for creators, the relationship between Sound Royalties and Cosynd will enable them to double down on educating and preparing creators to secure their music and fund their creativity.
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