How AI can Impact Streaming Services

Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Thursday, August 26, 2021

Artificial intelligence is widely understood as humans' digital alter ego, capable of emulating human thought and amazing problem-solving abilities. And, when it comes to media and entertainment, AI does not take a back seat; instead, it rides shotgun to enhance performance.

FREMONT, CA: When AI is used effectively, robots or software learn to dispute, analyze, monitor, and make predictions based on historical inputs similar to what a human search on OTT Platforms would produce. Including all streaming services based on various genres, such as Spotify, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. AI is responsible for shaping personalized content suggestions and management features in streaming services.

One can wonder if this is the future at all or if AI is capable of taking over the Media and Entertainment industries.

Suggestions for Customized Content

In layman's terms, machine learning (ML) is a subset of AI in which the more data you give the computer, the better and more precisely the machine can analyze future information, resulting in even innovative algorithms. The term 'Powerful Material' comes into play; when streaming platforms are not sufficiently informed of their content, they will provide bad content recommendations.

Thus, to make content recommendations to the next level and gain a more holistic understanding of the content in a scalable manner, it is critical to leverage the power of AI and ML through audio and video analysis.

AI is a blessing nowadays since it simplifies optimizing content recommendations for each user based on their content consumption patterns.

AI-Assisted Video Encoding and Delivery Optimization: ABR streaming, or adaptive bitrate streaming, is a technique for dynamically altering a stream's compression level and video quality to meet available bandwidth. AI encodes video by determining the required level of compression and the appropriate compression parameter based on the scene's complexity. Even at a lesser bitrate or bandwidth, AI can create sophisticated encoded streams that revolutionize the way videos are distributed to rising audiences. Additionally, AI is enhancing the performance of online media players by adjusting the bitrate based on the viewer's location, network congestion, infrastructure data, and bandwidth details.

Using AI to Make Streaming More Convenient: AI is undeniably present all around you, whether you're at home, stuck in traffic, at the office, or on your phone. When people feel like watching a new episode on Netflix or another streaming site, AI voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa are at our fingertips. This is made possible by the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP).

AI and ML are set to have a profound effect on virtually everything. It has its uncharted territory and unknown difficulties, but the technology has so much bigger good and ambitions to accomplish in the future. AI is no longer a far-fetched fantasy; instead, it offers enormous promise for optimizing industry and platform workflow procedures.