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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Sunday, January 30, 2022
The process of filmmaking has changed considerably with the advancement of digital technologies in the field.
Fremont, CA: The digital filmmaking era was ushered in by the arrival of digital photography, the rapid shift in data storage that followed, and the emergence of the internet. This transformation is happening right in front of our eyes. Though the 'Film Vs Digital' discussion is likely to rage on for a few more years (some veterans have criticized digital technology due to quality and other conversion concerns), it is worth noting that film technicians all around the world have been adapting to the changes. True, digital technology has advantages and disadvantages, but the shift cannot be denied. New-generation prospective filmmakers must be up to date on the newest advances and understand how the craft of filmmaking has progressed over the last 100-150 years. The majority of specialists believe that the current digital era is one of the most significant shifts in the history of film.
Changes in Production
The stage of filmmaking where the movie is actually shot is known as production. In recent years, the use of digital cameras (cameras that capture images in digital format rather than on film) has increased steadily in Hollywood and other film industries throughout the world. Despite the fact that only a few recent big-budget Hollywood films were filmed with film cameras, the business now relies primarily on digital equipment to produce films. Today, digital cameras are used to shoot more than 90% of Hollywood films. The cost of production for movies shot using digital cameras is minimal. This is one of the main reasons why digital cameras are preferred over film cameras by filmmakers all over the world. Today, we have wannabe filmmakers who make movies with equipment as basic as a mobile phone and a handy-cam. Digital technology's capabilities have obliterated all conventional limitations, allowing a new universe of limitless possibilities to emerge.
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Changes in the Post-Production
Editing or post-production used to be one of the most time-consuming aspects of the filmmaking process. To generate visual effects in movies, filmmakers had to rely on manual procedures during filming. Today, thanks to improved film-editing software, it is feasible to generate the effects of a fantastical world and smoothly blend them into video captured with a digital camera. This is one of the most significant advancements that digital technology has made in the filmmaking process. Visual effects is a specialized subject in the film industry that has seen a surge in popularity in recent years.
Change in Screening Methods
Producers frequently mention the chore of handling and storing the canister when questioned about their biggest responsibility once the picture is over (the circular box that has the film roll.) The storage method has changed as a result of digital technology, and it is now more easier to handle and transfer movies to theatres than it was previously. Movies are stored on servers, hard discs, and video tapes, and they are screened on digital projectors. There are additional platforms that new-age filmmakers are considering. Filmmakers may now present their work to audiences from all around the world thanks to the internet. To ensure that the film reaches a larger number of people around the world, social media platforms and other online promotional tactics might be used.
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