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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Friday, October 01, 2021
Digitalization of the industry will change the future of broadcasting and help them to provide accurate and high-quality content for the customers.
FREMONT, CA: As the new generation of information consumers transforms their attention away from TV broadcasting and towards other digital platforms, broadcasting technology will have to find methods to adjust to a new reality in the coming years.
According to the study, roughly 8 percent of the world's population watches only television. Most people acquire their information from television and the internet, and around 36 percent of consumers consume news exclusively through digital platforms. It is becoming more common to view news and shows on a computer rather than television at home.
The pandemic became a motivation for broadcasters to invest in digital channels. The younger generations prefer to watch the news from their mobile apps. In the next few years, there will be a significant increase in new users on broadcasting online platforms. All these obstacles force broadcast media to invest in new technologies to reach their target audience.
Top Trends in Broadcasting
The urge to provide high-quality media drives new trends in television broadcasting. The quality of information has become a fundamental concern for several organizations in the age of misinformation and fake news, a vast array of different media apps, and social media communication.
Direct-to-consumer (D2C) business models
The new broadcasters have a diverse audience, and they are spending more money to build new communication platforms and digital media. Hosts prefer a closer connection to the segmented auditory. The D2C model has numerous advantages for the media since it enables intimate relationships with product users. Many broadcasters dedicate time and resources to communicating with clients, addressing all of their queries, comprehending their specific demands, and being relevant to their daily lives.
Software As-a-service
Even though SaaS technology is not a new trend, it was primarily used for broadcasting media during the pandemic. Utilizing software that isn't installed on the computer has become a new trend in the new media sector. This technology also allows for rapid reaction times. Additionally, when media businesses begin to modify their apps for SaaS, the technology can help them save money.
Launching apps in OTT delivery systems
Using a new content delivery system is a crucial stage in the broadcasting digitization process. Apple TV is a successful example of OTT (over the top) technologies. For the sector, this means that television and broadcasting are available in every room of the houses. The future of television broadcasting is almost entirely based on establishing a deep relationship with users across all apps. It means they'll be able to access news, weather forecasts, and other real-time created content through their favorite consumer apps.
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