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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Thursday, October 15, 2020
With the arrival of digital broadcasting and networking technologies, the demand for video content has increased tremendously. Thus, video streaming platforms make it possible for people to view videos anywhere, anytime.
Fremont, CA: The number of streaming media services is on the rise, which means there are abundant choices. On considering how routinely videos via apps like Netflix or YouTube are viewed, it's hard to digest that some time ago, it was impossible to display or transmit videos of any type over the internet. In the early days, the speed or bandwidth that is there today was absent. Now, with faster internet and better technologies, content service providers have the right technologies like live video streaming software to remain competitive and meet expectations of evolving audiences.
The main technical complexity to handle video streaming is one ugly truth. The internet was not created to stream high-quality videos to millions of viewers. People discuss streaming technology in a way like the TV content is just uploaded over the internet. The streaming services have invested millions of dollars, putting together their streaming infrastructure for streaming the on-demand content across the web.
People are keen on watching movies or shows that don't stream smoothly at the resolution of their choice. Considering the case of Netflix, to ensure reliable service delivery, it uses a custom content delivery system that enables a reduction in the backhaul needed to offer a great user experience. Similarly, the consumer can rely on the best open source video streaming platform to deliver a reliable viewing experience.
In the past decade, connectivity between devices becomes a much better band; the probability of delivering high-quality streams to viewers concurrently has also become possible.
In the on-demand landscape, the audience consumes videos in their time and their way. In order to deliver a video to whatever device a viewer is watching, be it on a desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablets, smart TV, or even a game console- It has to go through several steps.
Over-the-top streaming or OTT, as it is popularly called, can be divided into steps. If a company is looking for different ways on how to start a streaming service like Netflix, it is important to know the trend that is making its round in the market.
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