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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Friday, February 07, 2020
Streaming solution providers are increasingly using social media platforms to enhance the effectiveness of their recommendation algorithms.
FREMONT, CA: The influences of social platforms impact various aspects of our lives. For instance, many of the video and audio content get famous or viral through social platforms. The trend is no different for media content, either. According to an estimate, people spend almost two hours on social media each day. Thus, streaming firms have an opportunity to leverage social media sites and understand the trends as well as the personalized preferences of the individuals.
Streaming platforms often utilize algorithms to offer recommendations based on past online behaviors of the customers. For instance, in music streaming apps, “you are seeing this because...” is effectively being used to offer personalized recommendations to the customers. Such algorithms often used machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to include various customer aspects before offering a recommendation. Such algorithms can also include social media as a source of data to further enhance the personalization factor.
AI algorithms are effective with streaming video as well. For instance, when ML algorithms scan social media, streaming providers can discover cumulative aspects on which movies or TV shows are being discussed. Such an effort can enable video providers to decide which TV shows or movies are more commercially viable. For instance, social media stirs debate on various topics ranging from social rights to politics. Of course, the businesses won’t engage in controversial content, but they can emotionally connect with their audiences by serving them with the relevant content. Such a capability will not only enhance engagement but also help the businesses to build a loyal customer base.
Social media offers immense potential to businesses. Major streaming providers have realized the essence of social media and are aligning their algorithms to include insights from social platforms to offer a better customer experience.
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