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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Thursday, October 21, 2021
Digital advancements in the media industry is transforming the way broadcast media delivers content to viewers.
FREMONT, CA: The digital transition is becoming widespread in the media industry. Fast technological advancements, along with unlimited options provided by digital video, enable new companies to join the market and develop disruptive business models that destabilize traditional media organizations and entertain crowds in seconds. Technological advancements like augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, deep learning, and voice-control devices transform how broadcast media distribute data today.
Some technological developments changing the landscape of broadcast media:
Generational shifts
Fresh college graduates approach data and information in a very diverse way than past generations. They were always provided with more info than they would ever require, all within easy reach. This surplus of information has caused them to be extra careful when reading. Fortunately, millennials place a higher value on authenticity than previous generations and are more likely to subscribe to the content. Media companies that are open, fair, and transparent, and provide material that is innovative enough to be shared, have a better chance of succeeding.
ATSC 3.0 Technology
ATS-3.0 is the most recent version of the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) inc. Standards for broadcasting. It describes how television signals are broadcast and interpreted. It is an advanced version of the Over-The-Air (OTA) or antenna-based TV system that, when combined with internet connectivity, provides customers with a high-quality interactive experience. Consumers can watch broadcast videos on television, as well as on their phones, tablets, and cars.
Voice-controlled devices
Voice-controlled searches via smart speakers and voice controllers are expected to become the most popular intelligent innovation among customers, as these devices significantly improve the customer experience and boost access to video content. Audiences who might not ordinarily use streaming services, such as the boomer gen, will be able to take advantage of the video content available to them through voice search. According to studies, about half of all buyers are streaming through connected devices. When considering that 60 percent of buyers use voice controllers daily, it's safe to say that voice search is taking root and will only continue to grow.
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