How to Handle Spiky Registration Traffic during Game Launches

Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Monday, January 22, 2024

The game architecture permits the investigation of serverless options and helps ease the launch process.

FREMONT, CA: The launch date is the most important day for the game or website. If handled properly, it may be a huge boon for business. Still, if the overwhelming demand for registration ruins the experience for potential customers, the company could suffer significant losses. The best practices can aid in enhancing the user registration experience and managing registration traffic spikes on the launch day. Even though several of these suggestions, such as caching, autoscaling, and monitoring, only require a little time to implement, they can yield substantial returns. If businesses are prepared to handle traffic when the game launches, they will reap the rewards for a considerable time afterward.

Businesses need to know if their servers can handle the load or if registration will fail on launch day when many people are trying to sign up. If things go wrong, they might lose players and money, which could even cause the game to fail. There are things they can do to make sure servers can handle a sudden increase in the number of people signing up. Below are the tips and best practices for getting users to sign up for online games, but they can also get used to other parts of the online platform. They can help to avoid disaster on the day of launch.

CAPTCHA service: Launch days attract bots—random or targeted by competitors. CAPTCHA is the Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans separately. First-line of defense is CAPTCHA. Installing one won't stop bot traffic, but it will ensure that only running IO-heavy database activities are when real users sign up. The backend must first check a CAPTCHA and then do demanding activities. The CAPTCHA will prevent bots from joining but will not conserve server resources. Reject form submissions if that field has a non-default value. It is better than nothing and avoids CAPTCHAs, but any decent bot can bypass it.

Monitoring Service: Launch days are unpredictable. It can help to anticipate runtime failures. Most of these services offer SDKs for major languages. These can be used on the front and back end to warn of mistakes. The faster they find runtime faults, the faster they can correct them and make the game bug-free. These middleware services include developer-friendly integration documentation and a free tier and are easy to connect to the backend or frontend stack.

Cut form questions: It reduces first sign-up form fields. Ask only gameplay-relevant questions. Break the form into steps and acquire the user's email first. If businesses use a multi-step registration form, ensure the alarms fire correctly if an issue occurs in the intermediate stages. It improves user experience and server resources. User abandonment increases with registration form length. After playing the game, the user is more inclined to offer more details. They'll have the user's email to welcome them back to the game and finish registration if an error occurs later in the registration procedure.