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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Wednesday, February 24, 2021
It is necessary for the companies to follow the latest video advancement trends due to the increasing competition in the market.
FREMONT, CA: The video advancements seen in 2020, like low latency in the OTT distribution platforms, VR, Multiview, super-resolution, and 5G, would be the gateway to bring user experience to another level. It will offer end-users the unforgettable experiences they seek in 2021 when adequately leveraged.
A recent PWC study showed that consumers are still searching for "the next big thing." While streaming customers enjoy a large and increasing mix of viewing options, half of the customers surveyed by PWC said they plan to subscribe to new services on the market, providing purpose for broadcasters and content producers to watch how these trends develop.
Streaming viewers can be served with highly engaging and memorable experiences due to improvements in low latency, VR, Multiview, super-resolution, and 5G. These video streaming developments have reached the required maturity level to be economically viable on a mass scale. The companies that can merge the latest technology with content that subscribers are happy about will succeed because many market players are competing to make it on every screen.
What Features Do Subscribers Want?
High Quality 8K VR for All
Despite its immense potential in the past, the Virtual Reality (VR) video has proven to be a frustrating experience for the end-user. Now, with the explosive growth of 8K production, 5G networks, combined with high quality and low cost 8K capable HMD (like new released Oculus QUEST2), the ability to derive the most value from 8K VR has finally arrived. Providers have a unique window of opportunity to deliver high-quality and low-cost VR experiences with these leading technology components ready for mass scale.
Multiview & Watch Together
2020 saw a leap in Multiview, where audiences would watch the event from multiple angles, and Watch Together services, despite increased isolation and sky-rocketing media consumption patterns. Shared screens enable friends and family to watch a movie together while complying to mandated protocols of social distancing.
These streaming models are growing to become another standard method of streaming experience when customers choose to simultaneously consume several channels or interact with friends as they "together" watch their desired content.
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