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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Tuesday, March 21, 2023
When two podcasters collaborate on an episode or series, cross-promotion can occur, such as when comedians roast one other. It rapidly introduces podcasters to new audiences and typically leads to the long-term subscriber and listener growth.
Podcast listenership is expanding rapidly, and it is estimated that the number of podcasters, aspiring podcasters, and marketers will reach 504 million by 2024. Niche-specific marketing entails narrowing the audience. Many fear it will hurt views, yet it broadens the podcast's appeal. Podcast advertising is rising as there are a lot of live-streamed podcasts that are getting popular. Being influential in a thousand-person community is more valuable than millions of unconverted views. Choosing a specialty in podcasting will help to capitalize on its potential. The correct podcaster and specialization will nurture prospects and lead to sales.
Creating distinctive podcasts will increase the audience as podcast listeners rise. Marketers can quickly determine if niche podcasts match their target audience because they know the audience. 2023 podcast advertising revenue will approach $2 billion. Ad revenue will reach $4 billion by 2024; podcast advertising is rising despite the COVID-19 epidemic, a recession, and global wars. Podcast investments are low-cost and yield good returns. Choosing good podcasts is an essential part of growing the business. Podcasting ads are expanding faster than online ads. Businesses and podcasters benefit from this podcasting trend. Despite video's ubiquity, audio material remains.
The most significant moment to invest in podcasting, as listeners say ads affect their purchases and live-streamed podcasts are popular. Podcasts can get readily converted into videos, which is fantastic. These can also get turned into live videos, increasing podcast engagement and revenue, as it's easy, and many popular podcasters are taking advantage. The rise of martech solutions has eliminated the need for separate live video and podcast platforms. Live streaming podcasts enable genuine host-listener interactions, and text-based chat allows real-time interaction. Cross-promotion involves creators, usually in the same niche, working together.
When two podcasters collaborate on an episode or series, cross-promotion can occur, such as when comedians roast one other. It rapidly introduces podcasters to new audiences and typically leads to the long-term subscriber and listener growth. As individuals do everyday chores, morning rides, and office work, they want more podcasts. Cross-promotion is effective because listeners trust their favorite podcasters and can easily find the new individual or channel via the partnership podcast's link—cross-promoting guarantees reaching a new audience familiar with podcasts. Podcast hosts love cross-promotion and will continue to do so.
Podcasters are buying more specialized equipment because marketers spend more on podcast advertising, and consumers buy smart speakers. Many famous brands have developed podcasts due to podcasts popularity. Podcasts help elevate listeners' expectations, and anything short may need to get addressed. Budget podcasters can use tools to achieve that quality. But, statistics show that podcasters are willing to spend more on specialist equipment to provide their audience with a wonderful experience. Podcasts also spend more on hosting platform subscriptions to distribute content reliably.
Hands-free searches were growing before COVID-19. Voice search optimization was a crucial marketing tactic as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant usage rose as people liked to get the content quickly. As podcasters no longer have to spell long URLs during the episode, which was time-consuming, error-prone, and made listeners work, it's more effective. These clickable advertising or call-to-action cards will appear on Spotify's podcast page or as users traverse the app, allowing visitors to visit the advertiser's site. Podcasts help in digital marketing and make marketers more creative with their visuals. Optimizing voice search is highly recommended in podcasts, as podcasters must optimize for voice search to keep listeners.
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