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FREMONT, CA : Content delivery networks (CDNs) are not merely for websites and streaming media anymore. They are vital for many businesses. Much content traffic today comes from a CDN, be it commercial or purpose-developed. It is essentially impossible to develop a content service with a noteworthy user base without leveraging a CDN. Social networks, streaming services, gaming services, and anything that conveys reach or performance-sensitive data need a CDN. To make content delivery work at this scale, providers must depend on CDNs, all logical overlays on top of the internet. CDNs are public clouds closer to the end-users.
Consumers experience a service that is not functioning effectively: slow internet, buffering while streaming video, video games lagging, or anything. To view this content, consumers subscribe to an ISP, which connects them to the internet to access content from outside the network. These ISPs are referred to as eyeball ISPs. When a service outage happens, eyeball ISPs may see a notification that a particular connectivity provider is down. But they don't see what service a subscriber is using; the connectivity provider is being leveraged to display that content. The visibility issue doesn't arise from Comcast knowing whether or not there is potential on its network.
An ISP's objective is to offer the best performance to the destinations, and sources subscribers leverage the most at a cost that isn't prohibitive. But without visibility into these details, that becomes a challenge. One method is deep packet inspection (DPI). This needs service providers to purchase expensive appliances and place them behind network ports. This can be helpful, but it might not remediate the visibility problem if the ISP can't afford to release more DPI boxes as traffic grows or if handling such a high volume of hardware pieces becomes untenable. To help users' performance, firms must map CDN traffic first. Mapping also helps, but it doesn't get the whole way there. Consumers care about the services they consume and not which CDN delivers that content in a given moment.