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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Thursday, July 25, 2019
Technology is on the verge of enhancing the media industry, and if used effectively, it can help digital and print thrive in the ever-changing landscape of the media world.
FREMONT, CA: The digital transformation has radically altered the publishing industry. Many people believe that the emergence of eBooks, audiobooks, and online news is overriding the printed word. Virtually everyone agrees that the digital transformation of the media industry is already well underway. Consumer behavior and expectations are driving this change. The younger generation is accustomed to instant access to global content at all times. The rapid rise of mobile and other technologies has reshaped how the world creates and consumes information. This transformation is profoundly impacting in the media sector. The relative affordability of mobile technology is another catalyst for digital change. It allows a growing number of consumers to utilize the latest tools in their quest to enjoy the content.
According to a report, 97 percent of media companies surveyed believe that the digital transformation has disrupted the sector. It was also noted that only 44 percent see themselves as being part of the disruption and helping in leading the way to a new approach. Media enterprises should integrate their content into high-quality user experiences. Relevant and personalized advertisements, customized content, and other innovative methods can compete in the modern platform easily. While there is no question that the digital transformation has enduringly changed the media business, reports of the death of print have been greatly overstated. The reality is that the tangible nature of physical media remains essential to a large percentage of consumers.
The accelerated, widespread impact of the internet and social media has left many in the marketing business considering the answer to the print vs. digital debate. While the digital transformation is happening, print remains an integral part of the community. The power of print competes with the proliferation of digital media and technological advancements. It is still essential for the traditional print while they still have an audience to evolve and ensure a prosperous future. In a world where information is much more accessible, the potential for print to thrive remains strong. The human attachment to physical books, newspapers, and magazines is undeniable, but at the same time, it appears clear that digital media is poised to dominate in the future.
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