The Rise of Cloud Computing in Streaming Services

Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Monday, March 15, 2021

The innovations in cloud computing is revolutionizing video streaming and bringing forth massive corporations and popular streaming platforms.

FREMONT, CA: Video streaming is considered a very potent tool. However, it needs a lot of technological innovations in hardware and software. Video streaming comprises the transmission of massive data every second. It also needs the data streaming to be consistent. The frustration of the viewer can result in latency issues which results in buffering. The cloud assists that to stop from happening. Cloud computing enables streaming services to enhance their bandwidth and thus better the streaming experience. It does this for each device and every network connection. Read on to know more.

Streaming platforms requires upscaling or downscaling streaming quality depending on the internet connection or device without cloud computing that cannot happen. Streaming and cloud computing require to work hand in hand for the experience to be effective. This is particularly essential for streaming platforms; this is not a major issue because it is free. However, its streaming service is perhaps less prone to this problem.

Alongside the streaming advantages that come with cloud computing, there are a lot of hurdles. Cloud computing enables streaming platforms to use data that ensures the highest quality viewing experience for consumers. This is essential for live streaming. With sporting services coming into streaming, this will become more important. Hence, improved capacity for storage and instantaneous data synching will become a greater requirement. This is where cloud computing will bring benefits for streaming.

By scaling on the cloud, streaming platforms can improve their bandwidth to offer better video streaming performance and viewing experience. Certain startups offer video streaming services to firms that want to use it but don’t have the needed interface. Since most enterprises don’t have networks capable of managing video streaming and heavy traffic, there is a significant demand for cloud scaling and video streaming platforms. Cloud computing plays an essential role in offering a high-quality experience. With the focus being on the end user’s experience, video streaming platforms will continue embracing cloud technologies to offer better results.

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