Top 3 Cinema Technology That Are Still Transforming Film Industry

Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Friday, June 05, 2020

From pre-production to post-production steps of film making, digital technologies is used to capture the most excellent images and insert sound bites to make it more appealing. 

FREMONT, CA: Digital technologies have changed how the work is done, from playing games to manufacture products, or do business. The entertainment industry has never looked better. It has made a tremendous change and has given birth to state-of-the-art digital cameras, which are robust and lighter than ever, and 3D technologies permit the experts to capture the most elegant images and add movie characters that are not even present.

3D Printers

A 3D printer makes a huge difference for a filmmaking company that needs to carry heavy and bulky machinery and tools from one location to another. The uses of 3D printers are practically endless in several industries, from medicine to construction work. It has been possible to print a 3D house or a NASA Astronaut crew suit using online printable models in a few hours.

3D printers cannot yet print lens or entire filming cameras, but they will soon make a difference when it comes to other types of gear used on movie sets. Movies made with these printers their constant improvements will only lead to great success.


Autonomous drone cameras are built with the help of the impressive advances in AI and machine learning. In other words, these drones operate themselves meaning that one of these autonomous drones used by filmmakers knows all about shooting equipment and techniques, and the shooting angle matters.

These self-taught drones can automatically restrict or avoid obstacles in the air entirely as they come and capture objects on the move.

4K 3D Cameras for VR Scenes

VR scenes is shot using 4K 3D cameras. Google giant with LucidCam released its 4K 3D VR cameras that can be effectively and efficiently used to shoot live scenes. Cloud technologies are also paving their way into the industry as they can cut the production costs, which is excellent for movies with a limited budget.

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