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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Monday, November 04, 2019
Content is gaining a lot of popularity online, and OTT companies are in the look-out for creative solutions that enhance ROI.
FREMONT, CA: Improvements in technologies have made 'anywhere-anytime' a scalable and absolute reality. With the emergence of Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms, the On-Demand services are now at the fore of disruption in the media sector. Also, the tech disruptions have revolutionized the value drivers completely, all through the chain of aggregation, production, and distribution, with the reach of consumers and satisfaction becoming the Holy Grail. OTT administrators are experimenting with various monetization models, subscription, and advertising-based being the most obvious. Customer readiness to pay for content was once limited by rampant content piracy, but now, a paradigm shift is being witnessed in the consumer attitude in recent times. This is due to the various groundbreaking on-demand content monetization models implemented by OTT players. Some of them are discussed here.
Ad-Supported Models
Many steps are being taken to increase revenue per hour of use for ad-supported models. By data analytics, media professionals are trying to exploit the abundance of data they have accumulated and boost ad revenue by targeted ads. The organizations are building partnerships and associations to obtain new customers wherever they can up-sell or cross-sell. Sustainability of services will be the main benefit factor in determining the path the industry takes with growing competition.
Microtransactions serve as pay-to-play or pay-to-own. This model predates the current use of the Internet: pay-per-view films, arcade games, and sports. The issue remains whether this model will work for news and magazine articles, which are usually one-time reads, where video and music track downloads are more attention-catching.
Subscription Models
Content service providers strive to get the maximum value out of their subscription approaches by developing their content delivery system in courses of premium content that can be a niche, and the consumer can pay for and watch the content of interest. These have benefits for the regular, weekly, quarterly, and long-term payment of subscriptions. Entrepreneurs are attaining the sweet spot price for the value they give to boost the profits. Selling content by subscription is getting difficult for newspapers, and publishers must figure out how to alleviate disruption from news aggregator applications.
This growth in digital media can be associated with the advancement in the technology of mobile devices and the internet, which provides audiences the better accessibility to digital media. ROI in the delivery of technologies and strong business models have continually been proving to be a worthwhile and relevant investment in digital media content industry. Examining the method for digital content management incorporates the ability to distribute media resources across channels for consumption. Media companies can combine several options to manage content, enable reliable and seamless delivery, and use capital to optimize monetization. Such models offer a starting point for a tactical and competitive benefit to be built and maintained.
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