Limelight Networks: Simplifying Sophisticated CDN Implementations

Featured Vendor(Oct - Dec) -2020

OutlookCDNs can be regarded as the bedrock on which content providers seamlessly connect with end users by overcoming issues of latency and congestion. Today, a website that takes a ‘bit’ too long to load risks being overlooked by consumers and search engines, which could drastically impact the bottom line. A robust CDN brings an end to this. Other reasons to resort to CDNs involve maintaining Quality of Experience (QoE), increasing global availability of content, reducing bandwidth, and gaining better visibility to viewer demographics and preferences. Along with this, the growing competition among content providers is nurturing innovation in the CDN landscape. These factors are powering the growth of global CDN market from $6.05 billion in 2016 to reach $23.22 billion by 2021, according to Research and Markets.

As the vertical expands, scope for innovation widens in tune with client requirements, which are in turn dictated by and for the end user. Demand (and challenges) for CDNs would continue to grow especially as live video, 4K and virtual reality content takes off. In this scenario, Multi-CDN and DIY CDN strategies are much sought-after among media centric content providers. Although the latter may appear to be a bite too big, the momentum for it is gaining. Multi-CDN, on the other hand has seen its execution by an increasing number of tier two content providers. In tune with this growth trajectory, a number of CDN providers have has emerged with innovative offerings at the disposal of CIOs.

In this scenario, curating content for this edition has been a dive into exploring a plethora of service providers, changing trends, needs of the hour and a glimpse into how the future of CDN would look like. We hope the valuable insights from industry thought-leaders and the innovative solutions from leading as well as emerging companies featured in this edition will help you in making informed decisions for your enterprise.

    Featured Vendor(Oct - Dec)

  • Akamai helps businesses connect the hyper-connected, empowering them to transform and reinvent their business online.

  • We are the people that you call when you need to make a change to your technology. Organizations can become less efficient over time due to failures and gaps that exist in systems and processes. We identify those failure points and create a comprehensive plan to fix them. We specialize in the pension, health, and insurance markets in both the U.S. and APAC.

  • Provides CDN solutions for enhanced performance and security related to Web services.

  • DLVR Action™ is an entirely cloud based solution dedicated to measuring and optimizing video experiences for every user, every time, on all devices. Our patent pending technology uses a completely unique approach that for the first time takes into consideration all the factors that influence the Quality of Experience (QoE) of Internet video to end users.

  • Limelight Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: LLNW) is an industry leader in content delivery services and AppOps at the edge that provides powerful tools and a client-first approach to optimize and deliver digital experiences at the edge.

  • PacketZoom increases mobile app engagement through superior in-app networking technology.